Sunday, August 10, 2008

Chair dancing is funny

Simple yet true. it's one of those odd things that is funnier than it should rationally be, the joy it generates is greater than the sum of it's parts. I might do an equation on the subject. However, this is the exact opposite of most films, whereby the artistic endeavour is tortured and minute but the end result falls a little flat to the average viewer [or is this just me?] Chair dancing on the other hand is a delight. For true chair dancing joy I recommend a song that is similarly, more enjoyable than it should be. You know, the odd, cold dance track that for some reason captures a great beat which somehow imbues it with soul anyway. For example, Freddie le Grand's, 'Put your hands up' (for Detroit) Perhaps it's the refrain, I love this city, which unites the listeners to others, perhaps it's simply the beat production, however it works. For reasons that are probably still a mystery to the songsmiths themselves.

So chair dancing, consider it my gift to you, the gift that keeps on giving.

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