I am rolling with laughter at the idea that fashion has, once again, come full circle and is now endorsing the legging. This is an eat-your-own-face sort of development. Whatever next? The Snood?
Leggings: what makes them so flobby?
Is it the way they cling to every nodule of fat? Is it the way they make even normal people look like aspiring trapeze artists? Fat trapeze artists Or is it simply that now every Target Mom in the other 50 states [who counts Alaska anyway?] are now wearing them with their Crocs?
OK, I'm not THAT mean however I simply remember the nightmare the first time around. This was the 90s and plaid was a big statement. I blame Seattle but no matter whose fault it was I definitely got the tail end of this sartorial misfire. Perhaps I am still holding on to the disaster that was ski pants... anyone else remember such a thing? Now we have the vile fusion of the ski-pant and the legging: it's like an old childhood friend mating with the niche North European blonde kid in the corner then the two of them joining forces to steal your pony and copy your haircut [only better].
A websearch has confirmed that I am not alone with my distaste, it does offer some solace but now I think of it, what trouser options are available?
The low-slung jodhpur pants that make you look like you've put your legs through the sleeves of your boyfriend's jumper. Or worse, that you are sporting incontinence pads and need a low girdle for space. When is flirting with the bladder-control look ever good? How many people have you seen wearing them on the streets?
The Mom jeans? Bootcut may be flattering but nothing spells late 90s like bootcut jeans. Oh, except 'The Rachel'.
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