Monday, August 24, 2009

Re-worked soundtracks!

My post below has got my brain ticking, for why settle for the original when you can strip all the mystery away and instead produce an instantly out-of-date soundtrack designed to be bought, forgotten and finally sold on e-bay.

Let's start with the Modern Greats

How much more FUN would JAWS be if the fat toothy shark was summed up by the trilling melodies of Natalie Imbruglia's 'Torn'?

It brings a new level of truth to the line, 'there's nothing where he used to lie...'

Picture it with me for just one moment. Fun, yes, but more accurate also. Disregarding John Williams' iconic piano warning altogether (unless Moby could hash it into a remix?)


Percy Bisque Silley said...

"Modern" and "great" - tis not an oxymoron? A misnomer? Un Grande Faux Pas?

Percy Bisque Silley said...

You seem to pause a while in uffish thought...